Kaitlin's Jazzy Scarf Pattern to Print
Kaitlins Jazzy Scarf
Jazzy Scarf Pattern for Rigid Heddle Weaving by Kaitlin
Structure: Plain Weave
Equipment: Rigid Heddle loom 10 inches or wider, 8 dent rigid heddle reed, 1 stick shuttle
Can also be woven in plain weave on a multi shaft loom
The scarf above was woven on a Schacht 10 inch wide Cricket loom
Brown Sheep Naturespun Worsted Yarn - #740 Snow
Brown Sheep Naturespun Worsted Yarn - #601 Pepper
Brown Sheep Naturespun Worsted Yarn - #N46 Red Fox
Warp: Brown Sheep Naturespun Worsted Yarn - #740 Snow and #601 Pepper
Weft: Brown Sheep Naturespun Worsted Yarn - #N46 Red Fox
Warp Length: 120 inches including 18 inches of loom waste and fringe
Warp Ends: 59 ends wool yarn plus 2 doubled ends white cotton
Width in Reed: 7.4 inches
Ends Per Inch (the warp in the reed) = 8
Picks per inch (in the weft) : approx. 8
Woven Length on loom: 102 inches
Finished Length: including fringe = 75 inches overall
Fringe length: 6 inches on each end
Wind your warp off the loom. You can use warping pegs, a warping board, 2 pegs, or 2 straight back chairs or 2 large cans weighted down placed 120 inches apart.
Wind 30 ends of Pepper and 27 ends of white plus 4 ends of White 3/2 Perle Cotton which will be used to draw up the scarf.
Measure your reed and center your 7.4 inch width.
Start with a Pepper warp in a hole (not a slot), then a Snow warp in the slot, repeat 9 times end with a Pepper warp.
Thread 2 ends of the White Perle Cotton in the next hole.
Warp 1 end Pepper, 1 end Snow, repeat 11 times, then end with Pepper.
Thread 2 ends of White Perle Cotton in the next slot.
Thread 1 end Pepper, 1 end Snow, repeat 9 times, then end with a Pepper in a hole.
Wind the warp far enough onto the front beam to allow for your 6 inches of fringe before you start to weave.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hemstitching on both ends is optional.
If you are hemstitching the ends, leave a 30 inch tail of yarn on the left side of the first row if you are right handed (on the right side if you are left handed). Do the hemstitching at the beginning of the scarf after you have woven a couple of inches and leave a 30 inch tail to do the hemstitching at the end of the scarf before you remove the scarf from the loom.
Instructions for hemstitching can be found in Jane Patrick's book entitled "The Weaver's Idea Book: Creative Cloth on a Rigid Heddle Loom". We keep this book in stock and highly recommend it as well as her rigid heddle weaving DVDs. Online hemstitching instructions can also be found here: Peggy Osterkamps Hemstitching Instructions
Width on the loom: 6.5 inches
Width off the loom: 6.25 inches (after washing 5.25 inches)
Finished Length: 63 inches after washing. Overall length including fringe 75 inches.
Remove the scarf from the loom. Tie a knot of 4 threads including the white cotton yarn at one end of the scarf in both places where the white cotton warp thread is. Carefully pull the other end of the white cotton threads to gather up the scarf to 63 inches. Once you have gathered the scarf along both the places where the white cotton thread is, undo the 2 knot bundles.
Use a fringe twister to twist the ends of the fringe in groups of 4 threads and tie a loose knot, alternating the direction of twist every other group.
Or you can tie overhand knots in the fringe on both ends of the scarf up against the woven edges in bundles of 4 threads.
Wash the scarf by hand in warm water with a small amount of laundry soap or dishwashing soap. Swish it around gently to full the cloth. This makes the weaving tighter, and it gets a little shorter and narrower. Do not overdo this. Rinse gently in the same temperature water. Dry flat on a towel or hang on a hanger that has a towel over it to absorb the water. Allow to dry. Carefully adjust the knots so they are all the same length. Otherwise, carefully trim the fringe to 6 inches; or to desired length.
Steam press lightly on low temperature so as not to shrink the scarf. Allow scarf to dry.
Wear and enjoy your lovely new scarf!!!
Purchase Kaitlin's Jazzy Scarf Kit
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