Penelope, one of my customers shared with me how her Granddaughter Neva is weaving with her on her floor loom. They sit side by side on the bench. Neva sometimes holds the shuttle for Penelope. There could be no better way for Neva to get started weaving than with her loving Grandmother!
Note from Penelope about the photo: She always says, “beat” at this moment. She has been quick to pick up on the terminology. By the way, it was the bobbin winder which first attracted her to the loom. You may or may not recall that I needed to get a replacement elastic loop for the wheel as it received a bit more vigorous use than usual.
Penelope told me that Neva sometimes sits at the loom with her Teddy Bear and holds the shuttle and explains to her bear what weaving is all about. Oh to be a fly on the wall when she does that!