Schacht Cherry Matchless Wheel

Schacht Limited Edition Cherry Matchless Wheels

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We are pleased to announce that Schacht will be producing a limited number of their beautiful Cherry Schacht Matchless Double Treadle Wheels. Bountiful will start receiving them in Mid-October and on thru the end of 2014. Contact us if you would like to reserve one of these beautiful wheels.
Photo shows me happily spinning on my first Schacht Cherry Matchless Wheel. It is a delightful, beautiful, responsive wheel. I liked it so much that I got a second one. I now have one of my Cherry Matchless wheels upstairs and the other one downstairs. I also got the Cherry Bulky Flyer package for it and was thrilled with how easy the Matchless Wheel treadles with the bulky flyer on it and with how much yarn I can get on the large bulky flyer bobbin. Spinners and Weavers appreciate the way Schacht thoughtfully designs their equipment.

Schacht 15 inch Cricket Loom

Weave up holiday gifts on a Cricket or Flip Loom

Schacht 10 inch Cricket Loom
10 inch Cricket Loom

The Schacht Cricket Loom is featured in the 2013 December Holiday Guide of Martha Stewart Living! The  Cricket Loom is a simple rigid heddle loom that is affordable and portable, and makes weaving easy. A great loom for new and experienced weavers of all ages. We have both the Cricket and Flip Looms in stock and on SALE. We also have reeds, new Variable Dent Reeds, Stands, pick up sticks, shuttles and many other items on SALE. Make this holiday season a weaving one by getting started with the Cricket or Flip Loom.