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Beehive Scarf Pattern to Knit

Bejeweled Purse Pattern - AM-013



Yarn: 1 skein Alpine Meadow “Blossoms” Sequined Novelty Boucle Yarn OR 1 skein Alpine Meadow “Blossoms” Novelty Boucle Yarn

Knitting needles: US-9

Crochet hooks: Size G and J

1” Plastic Ring for crocheted button

Gauge: 4 stitches = 1 inch in pattern

Finished size of bag: 5 in. x7 in.

Pictured in: Alpine Meadow Blossoms Bedazzled Rubies


Slip 1 with yarn in front: Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, return yarn to back of work.


Half Linen St: p 1 with yarn in front, Repeat from * to last stitch, end K2

Row 2 and 4: Purl

Row 3: K2, *slip 1 with yarn in front, K1. Repeat from * to end.


Cast on 18 stitches, Knit 1 row.

Begin pattern, work until piece measures 14 inches. Place marker at selvedge.

Work in pattern 2 inches more. Then bind off 2 stitches at beginning of next 6 rows.

Bind off remaining stitches.

Block flat until thoroughly dry. Optional lining: cut a piece of cloth the size of the blocked piece plus ¼ inch all around. Turn under and press a ½ inch seam allowance. Hand sew lining to wrong side of bag ¼ inches in from edge.

Fold beginning end of bag up to marker (7 inches). Using the size G crochet hook, beginning at fold, single crochet the sides together and single crochet around flap edge to center. Make a chain stitch loop sized to accommodate your chosen button, attach to flap edge with a slip stitch and continue single crochet along other half of flap and remaining sides of bag. The button pictured was crocheted over a 1 inch plastic ring. See directions below.


Using doubled yarn and size J crochet hook, crochet a chain 38 inches long (or your desired length reserving enough yarn to make the button.) Knot each end and hide ends in the knot using a yarn needle. Sew strap ends to each side of bag, beginning 2-3 inches from top. Helpful hint: when sewing in ends, clip and remove the strand with sequins, or just clip off a sequin when it objects to being pulled through a stitch.


With size G Crochet Hook, single crochet around a 1 inch plastic ring making sure to completely cover the ring. Gather the outside edges and pull tightly. Run a gathering thread through the outside edges taking it through every other stitch. (Before running the gathering thread, carefully snip off the sequins on the gathering thread.) Pull tightly to gather in center. Knot the 2 ends securely. Use the tails to sew the button onto the purse.

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